LAB NOTES: Homemade Hoagie Rolls
Hello All,Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.Over Labor Day weekend I decided to take a swing at making Seitan sausages.( SPOILER ALERT: UPCOMING POST!! )So, to go along with the sausages. I need to make Hoagie rolls so I can take some of these bad boys to work for...
LAB NOTES: Vegan Tofu Mayonnaise Two Ways
Hello all,Wayne, the Mad Food Scientist here.Today I’m exploring making mayonnaise from tofu. Don’t get me wrong, I like the flavour of the vegan mayonnaise I’ve been making and using. However, they never seem to get the thickness that I’m looking for. I’ve recently seen a few videos of mayonnaise made from tofu.So,...
LAB NOTES: Homemade Oat Flour Sandwich Bread
Hello all,Wayne, AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.I recently decided to jump back into baking. I found this video. on John Kirkwood’s YouTube channel.John is a retired cook from England and has tonnes of interesting videos.Here’s the link to the written recipe., I got to wondering if I could tweak this a bit...
LAB NOTES: Homemade Sandwich bread AKA The Two Hour Loaf.
Hello all,Wayne, AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.I decided to jump back into baking my own bread again. I found this video. on John Kirkwood’s YouTube channel.John is a retired cook from the North of England and has tonnes of interesting videos.Here’s the link to the written recipe. ORIGINAL: 450g / 16oz...
LAB NOTES: Homemade Oat Flour
Hello All,Wayne, The Mad Food Scientist here.The experiment below is one born out of a desire to make homemade bread using oats as part of the flour. So, this isn’t going to make what most people call oat bread. i.e. using unmodified rolled oats in the recipe.This method is dead simple.Weigh...
Lab Notes: Sparkling Water: 1.5
This time in the hopper:Homemade Ssparkling water.This is an offshoot of an experiment that I ran last fall.Basically, I’m just naturally carbonating some flavoured water.So the ABV is going to be very, very low, limited by the sugar in the citrus juice and the 42g of priming sugar I’ve...
LAB NOTES: Clone of Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise
Hello All, I know it’s been a bit since last I posted.Today, I decided to try making mayonnaise from eggs, to balance out my experience and to contrast it with the vegan mayonnaise I’ve been making. Azzie, a friend of mine, gave me the link to this recipe:( ) INGREDIENTS:Base...
LAB NOTES: NON-Soy Fava Bean Tofu
Hello All! Wayne AKA The Mad Food Scientist here. Today I’m continuing my experimental series on Non-Soy tofu.This time Fava beans are in the hot seat. When I originally started researching homemade Non-Soy tofu, I stumbled upon: Sam Lin of the Sam’s Home Kitchen YouTube channel ( LINK HERE: )....
LAB NOTES: Super Creamy Split Pea Milk TakeTwo: Yellow Split Peas.
Hello all, Wayne AKA The Mad Food Scientist here.I’m revisiting split pea milk again. This time with yellow split peas. First a quick recapitulation.Since I began using plant based milks, then later making them myself. I have found that milk made from split peas to be my favourite...
LAB NOTES: Aquafaba Ice Cream. A fun way to beat the heat!
Hello all, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.Recently, I’ve been tinkering with a way to beat the heat.I came across the Foodtech 101 YouTube channel hosted by Mr. Liburd, a teacher from the United Kingdom. The video that caught my eye was making a completely plant based scoopable ice cream...