Lab Notes: Sparkling Water: 1.5

This time in the hopper:Homemade Ssparkling water.This is an offshoot of an experiment that I ran last fall.Basically, I’m just naturally carbonating some flavoured water.So the ABV is going to be very, very low, limited by the sugar in the citrus juice and the 42g of priming sugar I’ve...

LAB NOTES: Clone of Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise

  Hello All, I know it’s been a bit since last I posted.Today, I decided to try making mayonnaise from eggs, to balance out my experience and to contrast it with the vegan mayonnaise I’ve been making. Azzie, a friend of mine, gave me the link to this recipe:(  ) INGREDIENTS:Base...

LAB NOTES: NON-Soy Fava Bean Tofu

     Hello All! Wayne AKA The Mad Food Scientist here. Today I’m continuing my experimental series on Non-Soy tofu.This time Fava beans are in the hot seat. When I originally started researching homemade Non-Soy tofu, I stumbled upon: Sam Lin of the Sam’s Home Kitchen YouTube channel ( LINK HERE: )....

LAB NOTES: Super Creamy Split Pea Milk TakeTwo: Yellow Split Peas.

   Hello all, Wayne AKA The Mad Food Scientist here.I’m revisiting split pea milk again. This time with yellow split peas. First a quick recapitulation.Since I began using plant based milks, then later making them myself.  I have found that milk made from split peas to be my favourite...

LAB NOTES: Aquafaba Ice Cream. A fun way to beat the heat!

Hello all, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.Recently, I’ve been tinkering with a way to beat the heat.I came across the Foodtech 101 YouTube channel hosted by Mr. Liburd, a teacher from the United Kingdom. The video that caught my eye was making a completely plant based scoopable ice cream...

LAB NOTES: Agua Fresca First Take

Hello All, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.This time around, I am exploring agua fresca, a refreshing drink I’d never heard of before a week or so ago. A coworker gave me her family’s recipe for Watermelon Chia agua fresca.The idea intrigued me, but I wasn’t feeling watermelon...

Exploration: Kitten style….

This afternoon, I introduced the six month old kitties to the rest of the house. I’ve kept the kitterlings in my bedroom since I brought them home because I was treating an ulcerated cornea in Cookie’s right eye. Cornea ulcerations are something I’m quite familiar with since my left...

The Future…

Hello All, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.I’m writing the following to, so to speak, hold my feet to the fire.I’m here to write down some of the future posts that I have in the pipeline.Homemade falafel, hummus, tzatziki, apple taquitos, pierogi, agua fresca, churros, popcicles, pickled beets,...

Small eye emergency: averted.

On 07/02/2023 the scleral bandage lens in my right eye came out. This was bad, really, really bad. I have have a keratoprothetic installed in my right eye since 2010 and the contact lens needs to be in place to keep the tissue around the installation from melting. Which,...

Welcome New Family Members

Hello, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.This post is not about anything that happened within the DCL.On Friday, 16 June, 2023, I adopted a five month old bonded pair of brown and white tabby cats.INTRODUCING:Milk: a male domestic shorthair. Cookie: a female domestic shorthair. These two have discovered...