Category: Uncategorized

LAB NOTES: Clone of Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise

  Hello All, I know it’s been a bit since last I posted.Today, I decided to try making mayonnaise from eggs, to balance out my experience and to contrast it with the vegan mayonnaise I’ve been making. Azzie, a friend of mine, gave me the link to this recipe:(  ) INGREDIENTS:Base...

LAB NOTES: NON-Soy Fava Bean Tofu

     Hello All! Wayne AKA The Mad Food Scientist here. Today I’m continuing my experimental series on Non-Soy tofu.This time Fava beans are in the hot seat. When I originally started researching homemade Non-Soy tofu, I stumbled upon: Sam Lin of the Sam’s Home Kitchen YouTube channel ( LINK HERE: )....

LAB NOTES: Super Creamy Split Pea Milk TakeTwo: Yellow Split Peas.

   Hello all, Wayne AKA The Mad Food Scientist here.I’m revisiting split pea milk again. This time with yellow split peas. First a quick recapitulation.Since I began using plant based milks, then later making them myself.  I have found that milk made from split peas to be my favourite...

LAB NOTES: Aquafaba Ice Cream. A fun way to beat the heat!

Hello all, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.Recently, I’ve been tinkering with a way to beat the heat.I came across the Foodtech 101 YouTube channel hosted by Mr. Liburd, a teacher from the United Kingdom. The video that caught my eye was making a completely plant based scoopable ice cream...

LAB NOTES: Vegan Bacon, Lettuce, And Tomato Sandwich

Hello, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.This is another slightly different post. It’s not so much an experiment as a telling of a tale.There were a lot of moving parts. I had decided that I wanted to make pumpkin seed tofu so that I could make vegan bacon. Then I got...