LAB NOTES: Vegan Tofu Mayonnaise Two Ways
Hello all,Wayne, the Mad Food Scientist here.Today I’m exploring making mayonnaise from tofu. Don’t get me wrong, I like the flavour of the vegan mayonnaise I’ve been making and using. However, they never seem to get the thickness that I’m looking for. I’ve recently seen a few videos of mayonnaise made from tofu.So,...
LAB NOTES: Clone of Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise
Hello All, I know it’s been a bit since last I posted.Today, I decided to try making mayonnaise from eggs, to balance out my experience and to contrast it with the vegan mayonnaise I’ve been making. Azzie, a friend of mine, gave me the link to this recipe:( ) INGREDIENTS:Base...
LAB NOTES: Vegan Buttah ( Version II )
Welcome back to the Domestic Culinary Lab! I’m Wayne aka The Mad Food Scientist.Today I’m going to talk about making vegan butter. For the past few months, I’ve been tinkering with various recipes for vegan butter out of curiosity and, let’s address the elephant in the room. The sticker...
LAB NOTES: Almond Butter Almond Flour Edition
Hello Everyone,Wayne, the Mad Food Scientist here.It’s interesting how experiments occur to me to do.For example, I recently saw a video about making non soggy granola ( Yes, you guessed it, a future post ).However, to make the non soggy granola called for almond butter. Small problem, I don’t...
LAB NOTES: Vegan Mayonnaise
Hello all,Wayne, the Mad Food Scientist here.Last summer I was low on mayonnaise and the store was closed. Since I was attempting to keep my cholesterol down I did some YouTube research and viewed a fair few videos and found this simple recipe and method. This past weekend, I...