Category: Sweets

LAB NOTES: Aquafaba Ice Cream. A fun way to beat the heat!

Hello all, Wayne AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.Recently, I’ve been tinkering with a way to beat the heat.I came across the Foodtech 101 YouTube channel hosted by Mr. Liburd, a teacher from the United Kingdom. The video that caught my eye was making a completely plant based scoopable ice cream...

LAB NOTES: Raisin Irish Soda Bread

Hello everyone, Wayne the Mad Food Scientist here.This time out, I’m making Raisin Irish Soda Bread. I was chatting about my previous loaf of Irish Soda Bread with Mick from the U.K and he suggested taking dried fruit and soaking it in tea, then adding the rehydrated fruit into...


. Hello, Wayne aka the Mad Food Scientist here. Today’s post is about an oldie, but a goodie. The famous ANZAC Biscuit. What’s an ANZAC you ask? ANZAC is an acronym for the Austrailia New Zealand Army Corps. This force was originally stood up during World War I and again...

LAB NOTES: Rich Simple Syrup

Hello Everyone,Wayne, AKA the Mad Food Scientist here.A few months ago, I became interested in simple syrup because agave nectar, and maple syrup are quite pricey. I’d originally heard of it while I was attending University while watching Alton Brown’s “Good Eats” in one of the episodes about cocktails....