Month: May 2023

LAB NOTES: Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate

Hello and welcome back to the Domestic Culinary Lab. I’m Wayne aka The Mad Food Scientist.Today, I’ll be writing about coldbrew coffee and how it came about that I’m making it. First let me clarify, I’m making coldbrew concentrate and that it will need to be diluted to be...

LAB NOTES: Vegan Buttah ( Version II )

Welcome back to the Domestic Culinary Lab!  I’m Wayne aka The Mad Food Scientist.Today I’m going to talk about making vegan butter. For the past few months, I’ve been tinkering with various recipes for vegan butter out of curiosity and, let’s address the elephant in the room. The sticker...

LAB NOTES: Fried “Egg” Sandwich With Runny “Yolk” AKA Banjos

Hello, Wayne, the Mad Food Scientist here. Welcome back to the Domestic Culinary Lab.A week, or two back I was watching a video from Rose on The Chea Lazy Vegan YouTube channel about a vegan fried “egg” sandwich with runny “yolk” during that video Rose pointed out she’d gotten the...

LAB NOTES: Homemade Mushroom Seasoning

Over the past year, I’d been hearing numerous references to mushroom powder and that it was easy to make on the Sauce Stache and Mary’s Test Kitchen YouTube channels. As well as other channels..So I went looking and I found this recipe on the Inspired Taste website  (  LINK...

LAB NOTES: Non-Soy Tofu: Kidney Beans

A few weeks back, I found a recipe for vegan Feta. However, I prefer not to use soy, not to mention that tofu costs a packet at the store. The silken tofu on offer costs $3.00 USD for 349g/12.3oz. When I made my first batch of lentil tofu, I used 454g...